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Follow, engage, participate

Follow key updates from MPs and Public sector bodies, debate and vote on key issues, create and sign petitions and more!

The project

Democracy in an app

We have built a platform on social media principles that is centred around democratic engagement to improve civic participation in democracy and reduce barriers to entry in democracy.

The objective

We want to see if people will participate in democracy online.

That is all. We want to see if there is appetite for a dedicated platform for public democratic engagement in the UK. We do not believe that there is currently an appropriate social media platform to operate in this space.

Read our research paper

The e-lectorate project is a research project with the aim of seeing if democracy can be improved through the use of social networking technology.

The problem

We are here to solve several problems:​

  • Getting people more engaged with democracy, politics and societal institutions.

  • Holding societal leaders to account.

  • Obtaining the true thoughts and opinions of the public on societal matters.

  • Giving people a voice and a vote, on everything.

  • Other social media companies controlling access to our public institutions.

There's more, but that is enough to get us started.

Our promise


We will be open about what we are doing. We have no intention to hide  what we are doing. Some of our data is sensitive and so we may withhold certain Information such as intellectual property.


We will respect everyone's individual rights and interests. We are not interested in exploiting people for gain. We want to provide a service that everyone can participate in. We ask that our users respect others as well when using our platform.


We will push boundaries that have not been tested before. When we do we this we will always try and be responsible and ethical. It is important we bring our users along the journey.


Power to the people

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