Our Team.

Project Director
Joseph Gaunt
Joseph is a lifelong student of politics and democracy studying how media shapes culture and political opinion. He began his interest in how social media shapes democracy in 2011 before incorporating the company that owns the e-lectorate project in 2015 (then called Key Public Index Ltd) and has worked in the technology field looking at ways to protect people from harm as a result of using their data. Joseph built the e-lectorate platform to give more people a voice in democracy with the belief that technology can make democracy happen anywhere. Joseph was also a volunteer vaccinator with St John Ambulance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Emese Stork
Emese Stork is a freelance design researcher with a focus on civic and public life. She has been awarded by GSA Innovation School: Creative Bravery Prize for her Ministry of Social Trust concept addressing the political polarization. Her speculative design work, in which she investigated the notion of caring citizenship, was published in the London Design Biennale 2023 Care Manifesto. Currently, she supports the development of the indie infotainment role-playing videogame, Supermajority, which tries to increase awareness of the conflicting interests in political decision-making.

Camila Dutra
Camila is an impact-focused social anthropologist with expertise in citizenship practices and the role of artistic performances in democratic processes. She was awarded a full scholarship from Cambridge Trust to develop her PhD research at the University of Cambridge to study the reasons why and methods in which people actively engage in politics, both online and in person, with a 20-month-long fieldwork in Brazil during the 2022 presidential election. Her engagement with e-lectorate stems from a belief in the potential of digital platforms as spaces for democratic engagement, with over ten years of experience with social research within and outside the academic environment, she enjoys the challenges of translating technical knowledge into practical applications.